Animal Nutrition & Health

Celebrating World Egg Day

The World Egg Day is a great opportunity to communicate the uniqueness of the humble egg, its unrivalled versatility as a protein source and its unbeatable sustainability credentials.

Eggs are a staple part of consumer diets in many countries and cultures across the globe, and at DSM, we want to showcase the astounding health and environmental benefits of consuming and producing eggs.

When it comes to nutritional benefits, eggs offer a whopping 6g of protein, 14 essential nutrients and only 70 calories per large egg consumed. As a natural source of high-quality protein, they are rich in amino acids, calcium, sodium, iodine, selenium, choline and vitamins A, B, D and E. Combined with a digestibility of 80%, cooked eggs have the highest biological value of any single food source.

In addition, eggs are one of the most environmentally-sustainable foods on the planet. From 1960 to 2010, the egg industry managed to reduce the carbon footprint of every egg produced by 50%. Besides, it provides employment for millions of people around the planet and empowerment to women in small villages in Developing countries. However, low quality eggs are either not eaten or are broken before they reach the kitchen table.

With this in mind, DSM developed a DSM Egg Quality Manual to provide a practical guide for the evaluation of egg quality at farm level, helping egg producers navigate the complexities of egg production. In addition, YolkFan™ and the Digital YolkFan™ have been designed to help producers evaluate, record and manage the yolk color within a flock – making data collection and management easier than ever.

Find out more about the health benefits of eggs in the video below, and explore DSM Feed Talks to read more egg-related articles.


Published on

11 October 2018


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