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Mycotoxin Survey


The longest running and most comprehensive data set on mycotoxin occurrence.

Since 2004, the BIOMIN Mycotoxin Survey annual research analyzes thousands of agricultural commodity samples (corn, wheat, barley, rice, soy, silage and finished feed, etc.) from across the world as part of the PROcheck mycotoxin risk management warning system to identify the occurrence of mycotoxin-related risks to swine, poultry, beef and dairy cattle.

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Mycotoxin Survey Publications

Mycotoxin Services & Tools

  • Mycotoxin PROcheck

    A 5-step comprehensive mycotoxin risk management service program designed to counteract the mycotoxins occurring in feed ingredients, and to safeguard the health and performance of your animals.

  • Mycotoxin Detection

    We offer a range of analytical services to customers to assess the mycotoxin contamination of feed materials.

Related Publications
